real estate japan shiftjapan

Shift Japan Inc.
1-2-1-502 Ebisu-nishi
  T coL:+81-(0)3-3464-0369 (Japanese)
  • flow


The following expenses will be incurred when purchasing property.


Real estate price

Real estate acquisition tax

Registration and license tax

Stamp duty
Real estate sales agreements for the purchase of land and buildings or contract agreements for the commissioning of construction work, etc. need to be affixed with a stamp and postmarked.

Fixed property taxs
Fixed property tax is a tax paid by the owner of the land, house, depreciable asset (collectively referred to as “fixed assets”) as of January 1 each year (called as “base date for assessment”) to municipalities where the fixed asset is located, with the tax amount being calculated based on the price of the fixed asset.

City planning tax
City planning tax is a municipality tax levied locally on land and house owners by municipalities of different levels of jurisdictions for earmarking for expenses required in city planning projects and land readjustment projects.

Judicial scrivener expenses
Judicial scrivener remuneration is not so high when factoring in the purchase price of real estate, however, fees vary depending on the real estate price and number of land lots, etc. For details, please contact us on a case-by-case basis.

Broker’s commission
3% of real estate price + JPY 60,000 + consumption tax
Note: we do not charge broker’s commission for properties that are under our ownership.

Interior & exterior finishing expense
Interior and exterior finishing work and repairs are necessary to maintain and enhance the value of purchased real estate. We engage affiliated contractors and external contractors to ensure lasting usage of your real estate, while maintaining close communication with you.

Construction expense

Fire insurance
The insured amount varies depending on the insurance company and options. If you set the insured amount at JPY 20 million, the insurance premium would be approximately JPY 15,000 annually as a rough estimation.

Demolition expense

Due diligence fee

Survey fee
